Welcome to the webpage for chapter 1 of my book “Performing Electronic Music Live”, where I give you some general advice on performance. In August 2021, I created a video to announce the book release and to say a few words about my motivation for writing the book, as well as the accompanying video content. You can watch this video here.
To watch the videos for any of the other chapters, just click through the tutorial tabs. Alternatively, you can head to my YouTube channel.
About the chapter:
Performance styles in electronic music are as diverse as electronic music genres. Some artists perform on DJ decks, some play traditional instruments with backing tracks and others use DAWs with MIDI controllers. Again others work with visuals. Some acts are bands, where each performer has a specific role. Solo acts, on the other hand, control every aspect of their performances. What works in a live show depends on the music, the act, the band members’ skills and the performance situation.
All successful artists are well-rehearsed and have a clear concept for their shows. This rehearsal includes managing stage fright, developing a performance persona and responding to feedback in a constructive way. All successful performances are immaculately planned, from playback rigs to improvisational systems. They are adapted to different venues and audiences. Great shows are memorable experiences that also carry an intrinsic message that is clearly communicated to the audiences that watch them.