
Welcome to the companion website for my book “Performing Electronic Music Live”!

Live music is exhilarating. It creates live-changing experiences and powerful emotions. Concerts are irreplaceable platforms for celebrating and validating the records we love. The performance of electronic music can feel empowering. Technology can enable us to overcome limiting beliefs and allow us to achieve a high level of creative expression, no matter our background or skillset. The options are virtually endless: we can delve deep into sound design, form an electronic band or code new software tools that generate music.

Performing electronic music live can also be challenging. There are many ways in which a performance can be successful, and as such, there is no overarching one-fits-all approach or list of do’s and don’ts. This can feel empowering, but also confusing and even stifling. We can feel frustrated when we do not know where to begin. That’s why I have written the book “Performing Electronic Music Live”. In my book, I explore the complex landscape of conceptual approaches, tools and techniques, by observing what successful artists do, through interviews, and by trying things myself. I try to quantify how we can create memorable experiences through performance technology.

Welcome to my book companion website. Here you can find video tutorials, interesting links and my contact details. I will also try to update this page with regular news. Wherever you are as performer (perhaps you are just starting out, or you are at a more advanced level), I hope that you will find something inspiring here.

My book will be released later in 2021.

Order the book and find out more here!

About the author

Kirsten Hermes is an interdisciplinary researcher, book author, senior lecturer and audio-visual artist, bridging scientific and creative domains in her work. She tours internationally under the moniker Nyokeë, integrating the iconic sound of retro games consoles into high-energy electropop tracks. Kirsten holds a PhD in sound perception from the University of Surrey (UK), which was funded by the British Engineering and Physical Sciences Council. She also holds a Masters Degree in Audio Production from the University of Westminster. Kirsten regularly publishes interdisciplinary book chapters and academic papers, combining scientific and technical knowledge with creative practice.



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