Welcome to the webpage for chapter 12 of my book “Performing Electronic Music Live”, which talks about planning and promoting live shows. You can watch the five accompanying tutorial videos for this chapter here. In each video, trance legend Woody Van Eyden presents key industry tips, from networking and building your team to being unique. Woody is an internationally acclaimed award-winning music manager, DJ, trance producer, performer and label owner. He presents a handy list of Do’s and Don’ts for artists that want to succeed in the music industry, basing his advice on his work with renowned artists such as Alex M.O.R.P.H. and ATB.
About the chapter:
The current chapter provides an introduction to promotional strategies that artists can use in order to grow their audience and to gain interesting performance opportunities. Overall, consistent branding, high-quality music, a strong, remarkable artist identity and a compelling performance style are the most important ingredients for getting interesting gig opportunities. We need to place ourselves in clearly defined scenes and know our audience. We also need to get to know connectors, mavens and sales people that can help us grow our career. The chapter talks about music branding principles, key marketing materials that artists will benefit from and networking. Throughout the chapter, the reader is referred to many in-depth resources for further reading.